segregated fund

segregated fund
фин., страх. сегрегированный [отдельный\] фонд* (инвестиционный фонд, сходный с обычными взаимными фондами, но формируемый при участии компаний страхования жизни; название связано с тем, что средства фонда отделены от активов страховой компании; как и случае обычных взаимных фондов, величина дохода и сохранность основной суммы вложенного капитала зависят от осуществленных инвестиций и ситуации на фондовом рынке, но в отличие от обычных взаимных фондов, сегрегированный фонд гарантирует, что по истечении определенного периода или в случае смерти инвестора инвестору или его наследникам будет выплачено не менее определенного процента от первоначального размера инвестиций)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "segregated fund" в других словарях:

  • Segregated fund — A Segregated Fund (Seg Fund) is a type of investment fund administered by Canadian insurance companies in the form of individual, variable life insurance contracts offering certain guarantees to the policyholder such as reimbursement of capital… …   Wikipedia

  • Segregated Fund — A type of pool investment that is similar to a mutual fund, but is considered an insurance product. Proceeds received by the insurance company are used to purchase underlying assets, and then shares of the segregated funds are sold to investors.… …   Investment dictionary

  • Fund Accounting — is an accounting system often used by nonprofit organizations and by the public sector. OverviewBecause there is no personal profit motive for owners or members of nonprofit organizations and organizations in the public sector, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Segregated portfolio company — A segregated portfolio company (or SPC), sometimes referred to as a protected cell company, is a company which segregates the assets and liabilities of different classes (or sometimes series) of shares from each other and from the general assets… …   Wikipedia

  • fund — A fiscal and accounting entity with a self balancing set of accounts in which cash and other financial resources, all related liabilities and residual equities, or balances, and charges therein, are recorded and segregated to carry on specific… …   Financial and business terms

  • NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund — Logo of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (NAACP LDF, the Inc. Fund, or simply LDF) is a leading United States civil rights organization and law firm based in New York City. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Coronation Fund Managers — Type Public Company (JSE: CML) [1] Key people Hugo Nelson (Chief Executive Officer), Anton Pillay (Chief Operating Offic (talk) 15:06, 6 October 2011 (UTC)er), Karl Leinberger (Chief Investment Officer), Kirshni Totaram (Head of… …   Wikipedia

  • sinking fund — Assets and their earnings earmarked for the retirement of bonds or other long term obligations. An obligation sometimes imposed pursuant to the issuance of debt securities or preferred shares by which the issuer is required each year to set aside …   Black's law dictionary

  • Irish Children's Fund — The Irish Children s Fund (ICF), which began in 1982, has served over 3,500 Protestant and Catholic boys and girls from Belfast, who experienced the violence of Northern Ireland s Catholic Protestant divide. Children stay with American families… …   Wikipedia

  • Canadian Investor Protection Fund - CIPF — A Canadian not for profit organization set up by the investment industry designed to protect investors from the bankruptcy of an individual investment firm. Accounts are covered for up to $1 million in shortfall of securities, commodity and… …   Investment dictionary

  • contingency fund — noun : assets segregated as a fund for the purpose of meeting a specific or general contingency and usually accompanied by a contingency reserve …   Useful english dictionary

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